The Words

Through writing and speaking, Becky shares transparently about her own shortcomings and the life-changing Truth that has saved her--mostly from herself.  She moves audiences from laughter to tears with her descriptive stories of God's love and faithfulness. 

She doesn't pull any punches; it doesn't get anymore real than this.  But anyone willing to hear her out will be changed.  Forever.

The Music

Becky's music reflects the styles of Carole King, James Taylor, and other early pop/folk influences.  But consistent with her other forms of ministry, she tenderly--and sometimes boldly--shares her heart through her music.  Including an honest picture of what her journey of faith has been, through challenges and victories. 

Becky is KCCM's 7th annual Inspirational Artist of the Year, so you can rest assured that she can sing on tune.  Smile.   But as you listen to her tunes, you'll get way more than entertainment.  You'll be inspired by an overwhelming realization of God's love and desire for you.

The Freedom

Becky knows that only applying the truth of God's Word brings long-lasting change.

She defies anyone to say that her Jesus is not enough!

Still, it takes more than hearing one sermon or reading one book to see long-lasting change in our lives. 

Jesus said that if we continue in His Word, we'll really know the Truth--and the Truth will make us free!

So she encourages you to go beyond her books and special events.  Find a solid Bible-teaching church in your area, and become a regular part of it.  Change will come!

The Fight Lady

Becky doesn't go looking for a fight.  And she's not all that crazy about confrontation. But the battles found her. 

Marital strife.   Temptation.  Rebellious teens.  Family members' addictions.  Betrayal.  Stuff that wasn't supposed to happen in a Christian family. 

Stuff that hit below the belt.

Stuff that made her want to throw in the towel.

But thank God, her Manager pulled her up before she was disqualified.  He started teaching her how to throw a punch back at her adversary--how to keep him down for the count.

Facing life's challenges with the truth of God's Word has taught Becky how to be a "scrapper in the Spirit."  And the victories won spur her on to help others fight the good fight of faith, too.

Some things in this life are worth fighting for.  Like marriage.  Wayward children.  Orphans.  Purity.  Faith.  Sanity.  Truth.  Even our health.

Because all of them are wrapped up in the amazing, victorious life Jesus won for us.

So Becky can hardly wait to get in the ring with you.  Whether you're fighting a spiritual battle against evil, this world system and its burdens, or your own tendencies to put self first, God has provided all you need to go the distance. 

Come on.  Anybody ready to go another round?

"Success is measured not so much
by the battle scars left behind,
but by simply staying in the fight." 

                                                    Becky Spencer


Booking Information

Fees: Becky doesn't have a set fee for her speaking engagements or concerts. She wants to go wherever God is leading her. She does prefer to travel with her husband or her prayer partner for accountability.  So the main  financial consideration is simply to cover their travel and if applicable, lodging/food expenses.  Other than that, she's fine with a love offering or whatever your group usually does for outside guests. 

Programs: Now that she and Tracy spend four months of the year in eSwatini, Africa, her calendar gets pretty full. But there is some time between trips and fundraisers; she loves to share at mother/daughter events, women's Bible studies, churches,  conferences, and (her favorites!) women's retreats and marriage retreats. 

Because her schedule is so full, and her message is so "packed," she isn't likely to come for only a couple of songs or a short program.  Please contact her only for a full-length program or 2-3 day event. 

For more information, you may use the Contact Becky tab or call her at (620) 543-6518.  Thank you. 

Becky's Family

Becky and her husband Tracy have been married for 46 years.  They have raised 8 children--four birth and four adopted--and so far, they have twenty-eight grandchildren. Tracy and Becky are fighting the good fight of faith in Hutchinson, Kansas. 

When she's not writing or traveling, she stays busy  directing Grand Staff Ministries, volunteering at Grand Staff Ministries Thrift Boutique, writing, and enjoying her role as Grammy.


You can read Becky's most recent blog here:

Becky's blog


Copyright Becky Spencer Ministries 2012